Grant Writing
What it is
Simply put, grant writing is the process of researching and writing proposals to secure funding from a grant-making body such as a foundation, corporation, or government entity.
When you need it
Organizations often hurry through writing a grant proposal – they focus on just getting the grant out the door. Unfortunately this time is often wasted because not enough up front effort is put into choosing the right opportunities to pursue, building a relationship with the grantor, planning the proposal, and thoroughly editing the submission. Organizations can use grant writing support when:
- They don’t have staff with grant writing skills.
- There is insufficient research into the granting body.
- They need guidance in contacting grantors and establishing a relationship.
- They need assistance in planning a proposal submission – assistance such as clarifying program goals and needs, researching supporting documentation, and coordinating grant proposal elements developed by other staff and/or volunteers.
How we can help
Centerpoint consultants have experience in all phases of the grant writing cycle – researching potential funders, building relationships with funders, planning the writing process, writing and/or coordinating the submission of the grant, editing, and following up with the submission. In some cases, we have acted as the organzation's grants department, leading the entire grant writing effort; in other cases, we have stepped in for just a part of the process.